Picture of Bridget on a mountain in Sun Valley, Idaho

My name is Bridget Barth, and I am currently a Digital Media Innovation student at Texas State University. In my free time, I like to ski, run sound for musicals and church events, and hang out with my friends. I was born in The Woodlands, Texas, but my family relocated to Austin in 2012, and I have been in the Central Texas area ever since. I currently have a love/hate relationship with Austin. Some days I like it, other days not so much. My parents relocated from Chicago to Texas in the 90's, so I love anything and everything remotely connected to Chicago, in particular the Cubs and the Blackhawks.

I got into sound about six years ago during my Junior year of High School. I had been wanting to know how to mix since I was a little kid, and I was finally given the opportunity through the theatre department at my school. I was fortunate enough to be able to compete in a sound design competition at the 2016 Texas Thespian Festival, where I finished in the top eight out of 60 who competed, and advanced to the national level. I love what I do, and I feel that it is what I was born to do. I am currently taking a hiatus from the theatre due to school, however I am still heavily involved in the worship scene, where I mix at St. John Neumann Catholic Church in Austin, as well as Our Lady of Wisdom University Parish, the Catholic Student Center attached to Texas State.

I am excited to be taking Web Design and Publishing this semester, as I am ready to further my knowledge of HTML and get my feet wet in the coding world again. I changed my major from Computer Science to DMI last fall, and while I don't miss the rigor of CS, I definitely miss the heavy coding aspect. I hope to get into web development after graduation, and possibly relocate to Denver, CO. While I was a CS major, I learned C++, and I am interested if there is a way I can still use it with either web or app development somehow.